a pink tutu on yet holding a fish - LOL |
very private place - love it |
roar |
hi it is story time |
fast asleep - I love love love sleeping baby pictures ;) |
great view to wake up to |
she ate her breakfast here |
So what do you do when daddy loves to camp out and Momma is not a fan of camping out at all? Well you compromise (yes for 15 years I have known this of Hubby and he of me so we compromise). We both agree we need to let Laney try it here and there. Well she loves many parts of it so that makes Daddy smile. But on the flip side she does not enjoy many parts of it which totally makes sense to Momma.
Laney cried she wanted her own big girl bed and she would not sleep on a cot or hammock alone. She did this at our last attempt to camp out also but 10 times worse. At home this girl goes to sleep like a dream but camping out - yikes! Once she feel asleep I went to my own bed and tried to sleep. OH my cots - yikes. A hammock is great for a quick rest but to sleep in at night - yikes! I do not sleep when I camp out and that makes for an interesting next day. Not to mention little miss went to bed late, had a hard time falling asleep and than woke up way to early and said "the sun is out at the camp out Momma"! And than yikes the days following the camp out - yikes way over tired. Oh and princess and I are bug bite magnets - OUCH! And daddy wonders why I am not a camping fan - hmmm.
Laney made us laugh when she tried a s'more for the 1st time. She did not want her marshmallow roasted and so she took a bit of the uncooked marshmallow and held the graham cracker and as soon as she saw the chocolate she dropped the marshmallow and the graham cracker and said I just want chocolate please (that's my girl). She said "next time I sleep in my big girl bed at home for camp out Momma" - Oh our little home body - I love it!