We are shaking with excitement posting on the blog (scroll down to see 3 pictures).
Blogging/e-mail seems to be the best way in this day and age to shout from the rooftops! So here we go………we are shouting……………………….…..WE ARE GLADLY CHANGING OUR NAMES TO MAMA AND POPPY! WE FINALLY HAVE NEWS ON US BECOMING PARENTS!
WE HAVE A DAUGHTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We did not expect our call until Monday but we got a big surprise when the phone rang and Beth said “IT’S A GIRL”. So Friday night, April 03, 2009 we got news of our baby.
Currently living: In Fuzhou City Welfare Institute which is an orphanage.
Where in China: The Jiangxi Province in southeastern China.
Her date of birth: April 28, 2008 (she is 11 ½ months old).
This info was taken on January 12, 2009 (when she was 8 ½ months):
Inches: 27.5
Weight: 19.8 lbs (we wonder how many pounds of clothes she has on)?
Other cute facts:
Laughs out loud (Poppy was thrilled with this one)
Likes games w/ adults
Close to caregiver
Loves to imitate
Loves music
Given name:
Fu (last name given to all babies in that orphanage)
Yan (first name - means = Beautiful)
Ge (middle name – means = Song)
Fu Yan Ge
Soon to be Laney Yan Ge which means Laney Beautiful – LOVE IT!!!
We are head over heels in love,our dreams are

coming true.