Blogging/e-mail seems to be the best way in this day and age to shout from the rooftops! So here we go………we are shouting……………………….…..WE ARE GLADLY CHANGING OUR NAMES TO MAMA AND POPPY! WE FINALLY HAVE NEWS ON US BECOMING PARENTS!
WE HAVE A DAUGHTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We did not expect our call until Monday but we got a big surprise when the phone rang and Beth said “IT’S A GIRL”. So Friday night, April 03, 2009 we got news of our baby.
Currently living: In Fuzhou City Welfare Institute which is an orphanage.
Where in China: The Jiangxi Province in southeastern China.
Her date of birth: April 28, 2008 (she is 11 ½ months old).
This info was taken on January 12, 2009 (when she was 8 ½ months):
Inches: 27.5
Weight: 19.8 lbs (we wonder how many pounds of clothes she has on)?
Other cute facts:
Laughs out loud (Poppy was thrilled with this one)
Likes games w/ adults
Close to caregiver
Loves to imitate
Loves music
Given name:
Fu (last name given to all babies in that orphanage)
Yan (first name - means = Beautiful)
Ge (middle name – means = Song)
Fu Yan Ge
Soon to be Laney Yan Ge which means Laney Beautiful – LOVE IT!!!
We are head over heels in love,our dreams are

Congratulations! We can hear you shouting all the way down here in Jersey! She is beautiful -- love those chubby cheeks! We can't wait to meet her!!
I know "the call' didn't happen as you planned, but that's sort of like parenthood - one surprise after the next!
The Gills
We are so very thrilled for you Mommy & Poppy. We are sooooooo looking forward to meeting Little Laney Beautiful. What a homecoming this little girl is going to have and what an abundance of love awaits her! How so very lucky she is. Yay for Kelly & Mark and Yay for Laney!!
Congratulations you two - you deserve all the happiness in the world! xo.
masala mama,
True so true. Thank you so much. Love you guys.
Laney Beautiful - we love the look/sound of that! Thank you sweetheart. Friends like you ROCK! P.S. LOVE those surreal coincidences.
Good thing come to those who wait and you guys have spent a lifetime waiting!!! Her name is no coincidence, just look at her and look at her family!! Congratulations!
The Friday
Congratulations!!! so happy for you both. love the pictures, couldn't be cuter! yay!!
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! So very, very happy for you! Laney Yan is a beautiful little girl with those adorable, rosey, kissable cheeks!
Congratulations to all three of you. I know this has been a long wait. But trust me, it will all be worth the wait in the long run. Mark just remember, I get to buy her, her first cheeseburger! Nothing but the best to you all. I can't wait to see you guys again.
The Bink
I am sitting here sobbing as I read your wonderful news...tears of joy!! I am so happy for the two of you! Or should I say the three of you?!?!?!? God Bless Laney's family!! Love, Theresa
Kelly & Mark,
I originally heard of your news thru facebook and tears ran down my cheek for you! I could'nt be happier for you & cant wait to read about her homecoming!!
Congratulations, she is BEAUTIFUL!
Denise Kisiel
Another Fu baby!!!!
How lucky are we???!!!
She is adorable!!!!!
ohhh Thank you! So sweet!
Thank you, thank you. Come on Lola & Laney let's play!
You know first hand how long the wait is. Gotta tell you cloud nine hundred is awesome and soon you will be there also.
You got it, a cheesburger date just like the good old days. Feels like we have been talking about this for so long and now it is finally happening. Thanks for checking out the blog.
Congratulations on your Fu girl. My Fu girl is now 6 years old. Make sure you join the fuzhou yahoo group they have lots of great info.
Congratulations agian she is a real cutie!
Denise K,
Tears of joy for us, Thank you so much. Keep in touch
Thank you so so much for shedding tears of joy in our honor. So sweet. FINALLY huh? Thanks huh.
Pug Mama,
So so so lucky. Right back at you. Do I hear future playdates calling?
Thank you. I just did that this morning so I look forward to talking to you over there. 6 years old now for your little girl WOW(and p.s. Disney looks like loads of fun) WONDERFUL!
Kelly and Mark--I couldn't be happier for the two of you. I couldn't help but cry in joy when I read your news. Laney Yan is gorgeous and I cannot wait to meet her. Laney and Erica will be close in age so we will have to get them together for play dates after you get settled in and smother her with lots of love! If you need anything, please let me know. I'm so happy for you're going to be the best parents!! Love, Tammy
She is a DOLL! Congratulations!
Hugs from Texas
Mom of 2 Hunan Spicy Girls
congrats..very cute:)
CONGRATULATIONS! She's absolutely beautiful!!!!
Found your blog from Rumor Queen site. Just wanted to congratulate you on your beautiful daughter. I have a daughter from Fuzhou as well and her referral photos were taken in that same red car and green walker too! Congratualations and enjoy your trip to China.
Congrats! Congrats! From a fellow RQ reader,
Kelly LID 7/23/2007
Oh yes I hear a play date calling! Thank you for checking out the blog. Thank you for all the support you have given us.
Erica & Laney get ready to play!
Mark & Kelly,
We are all so happy for you. Miracles do happen for those who keep the faith. What a beautiful time of year to get this wonderful news! Congratulations and I can't wait to squeeze her!!!!
We love ya, welcome home Laney!
Sean,Kelly,Michael & Matthew
Congratulations on the referral of your adorable Laney! I have a Lainey too...adopted from China in 2005!!!
Congrats - your sweet girl is beautiful, and she is the exact age our baby was when we got our referral. You will be getting her at such a fun age!
Congrats! I have a Fu girl, adopted in 2007.
Hi Kelly,
Congratulations! I know you have been waiting a LONG time. Now you will finally be able to fill all those scrapbooks!
Congratulations on the referral of your beautiful daughter!! We just received our referral on Monday and our daughter is from the same SWI. She just turned one on March 20th. I don't have a blog, but I would love if you would email me so we could get in touch. It's possible that we'll be in China together and our babies are together now. My name is Dawn and my email address is
She is just beautiful, congratulations!
Congratulations!!! We received a referral for a beautiful Fu baby too!!!!
good for you if I had the $$ right now I would give it too you because you guys did so much and do so much for me I love you guys so much .
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