Tuesday, March 31, 2009

April Yet?

Wow this is a tough week of waiting for news!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Elephant Pregnancy

The elephant is the mammal with the longest gestation period - 22 months - but for those of us adopting from China, we can prove otherwise! YES it has been 36 months (37 next week) since China logged in our paperwork. What was to be a 6 month wait went well beyond.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Get the video camera ready

When that phone call finally comes I may just PASS OUT! Wow after waiting so long for someone to finally call and say 'IT'S A GIRL" we are getting the video camera ready because we will be recording it, just in case I do pass out.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Happy Birthday Poppy

The good news is this is his last birthday without Laney. The bad news is we do not have her referral yet. I had hoped for an R5 (fellow adoption roller coaster riders you know what I mean by that) R5 for those who are watching the roller coaster ride but not on this stomach turning ride an R being equal to = Rumor, 5 being equal to = 1 the lowest and least confirmed, 5 being the highest and closest to becoming a fact. The rumor could be telling us we are rumored to be in this upcoming batch of families being matched with their babies or the rumor could be that packages are on the way or have arrived etc. I told Poppy I got a whisper from China and Laney told me what to write on his birthday cake...So it said...... "SEE YOU SOON POPPY".

P.S. Babe I love you! You are the most amazing husband and friend. WOW you are going to be a kick butt POPPY and I can't wait!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Longest Month Ever

We are still hoping to see our babies face in April so March can you hurry up and end PLEASE!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Maui and Tiki

Here are a few of our favorite photos of the girls. They bring smiles to our faces everyday!

Monday, March 2, 2009

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Poppy I know you like that movie

THE GOOD = China has moved a few steps forward and matched more children with families which in turn brings us closer to our baby.
THE BAD = It is still not our turn (grrrrrrrr).
THE UGLY= There is no guarantee we are in next month.

So let me break it down. Our LID (log in date, that date China logged in our dossier) is 03/08/2006. As of today it looks like China has matched Children with families who had their dossier logged in on or before 03/06/2006. So now we are 2 days away from it being our turn. China only does this matching once a month so we will not get our next update until April. Now, one would think China could get through 2 days of dossiers next month right??? Well normally yes that would be true but remember this is the roller coaster ride of adoption so NO, it is not that easy. The LID b/4 ours is very large (much larger than normal) so it is still unknown if we are in next month. What could happen? In April if China gets through 2 days then we will do the happy dance as we see our precious baby’s picture! If China gets through only the 1 enormous day then we are not included in the April batch which would obviously push us back by another month! Only time will tell.
Positive thoughts out, positive results in!