Saturday, December 29, 2012


Well if you have ever blogged you know first hand that once you get behind in blogging you realize you will never check up.  We have done so many great things I just have not gotten to blogging about. Christmas fun, Santa visits, baking, crafts, school parties, elf fun, Reindeer performance, train ride, swim lessons, surgery, Thanksgiving, sleep over, operating room tour, visit from friends, hair cut, nutcracker, Dr Seuss performance and just the daily cuteness and fun of our life.

ARE BLOGS BECOMING OBSOLETE ?   I definitely don't write on mine as much anymore nor do I see others doing so on theirs? So many facebook, twitter, instagram etc .  Which sorry we are just so not into.

On one hand I guess it is about learning to say no when your to do list is over flowing?  I guess it is about focusing on family.  I guess it is about to much time on the computer (between work, research, keeping in touch and blogging)?
On the other hand I guess it is about wanting to keep a scrapbook of sorts of our days? I guess it is about wanting to keep those who love and care in the loop no matter how far apart we are?

The verdict is still out but for now SIGNING OFF FOR 2012 ... may 2013 bring health, happiness and pure joy. Thanks for always checking in. Blessings to you and yours !!!
**maybe a monthly update???**

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Merry Christmas

OHHHHH wow I am not blogging  much anymore huh :(
No way to even catch up now but wanted to say MERRY CHRISTMAS!

p.s. Tiki is home healing as we wait for more news ;)

Monday, December 17, 2012

Tiki Love

Dumpling sending Tiki some love on her surgery day - 2012

Tiki in 2005

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

dumpling fun

Dunkling/Dumpling has really been having some fun (it is so cool other great mom's share ideas - Thanks Barbara and many other cool mom's)
Zip line

tea party

toilet paper

Sunday, December 9, 2012

busy busy but hi

Yes it is busy busy here and blogging is much less. I don't see that changing anytime soon but wanted to say hi ;)

Friday, December 7, 2012

If you can please take a moment to help. Thank you!

we petition the obama administration to:

Support HR 4373 and S 3616: Help make adoption affordable; keep the tax credit and make it refundable

Help make Adoption Affordable

The average cost to adopt a child is any where from $25k- $35k or more. Currently, The 2012 Tax Credit is not refundable for adoptions initiated after 2011, which means a large number of families are/were not able to get any of the $25k- $35k back and possibly prevent people from adopting a child at all.

In 2013 it will revert back to a maximum tax credit of $6,000 for parents adopting children with special needs only and there will be no adoption tax credit available in tax year 2013.
We are petitioning to make the adoption tax credit permanent and refundable, so that more money is available to families allowing them provide a financially stable home to the adopted child.

Currently, there are two bills HR 4373 and S3616 that support this petition.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

rookie mistake

Yup I made a rookie mistake and I am sharing my embarrassment to help other Mamas :)
Dunkling (aka Dumpling) wanted to do a snow angel.  Lesson learned he should have used flour and not confectionery sugar OMG!  If you have a mischievous dog and a sugar loving child this is a bad rookie mistake. 
This is how the morning went:
Squeals of excitement Mama mama Dunkling made a mess!  Mama mama Tiki is eating Dunklings mess! Than silence.........................................yes her mouth was full that is why there was silence as I walked into the kitchen (without my camera in hand) there she was with one of her plastic toy play spoons eating some of the sugar.  Since our dog Tiki had also been loving this it no longer looked like a snow angel.  What followed was washing the table, chairs, the floor and the darn Elf. Oh and one wild child and one thirsty dog. OH MY what a rookie mistake! Don't make it!