Friday, October 28, 2011

three and a half

Really is it possible that our baby girl who we waited and waited and waited so long for is turning 3 1/2 today!?!?  Wow finally holding her at 12 months old and now she turns 3 1/2 cut it out! So I thought I would remind myself what she is up to these days:
Chatty Kathy/Jabber Jaw/Motor Mouth - yup she is a non stop talker still. From morning until night that mouth just goes and goes.
Rhyming - she rhymes all day long about everything (star/car, door/more, flower/tower & on & on).
She is so proud of her overnight pull ups (no more overnight diapers). She still sleeps in late mornings so I will take the pull ups over an early riser (this coming from this working nights momma).
She loves to pretend she is an astronaut, doctor, cowgirl (the girl is always talking about lasso's), and of course a princess.
Her favorite show is Peppa Pig (I swear sometimes she has an accent like them) so stinking cute.
She loves flashlights.
She loves frozen mango.
She does not like ketchup or broccoli.
She love horses and every musical instrument she can get her hands on. She also loves crafts and anything to learn new things (little smarty pants blows us away with her brain power).
Her nightly prayers always include her baby sister (unprompted and sweet).
She has 2 new pets (Tom Tom & Spirit) baby turtles from Uncle Tom. She loves that horse movie spirit.
She is adjusting well (most days) to practicing for a sister (OK it is an adjustment for us all).  When a mom at play school who was new to town asked if I knew anyone looking for a part time gig watching 2 kids I said no but hubby knows more people in town than he looked at me and said hello...............YOU.  So I took on another gig.  Yup 20 hours a week with a 2 year old and a 4 year old and than our little Laney smack in the middle at 3 years old.  Oh and yes I still do my nighttime work gig also.  But win win: we very very much need funds for China, It is great practice for Laney, OK tired (really tired) but win win, right.
Is age 3 more challenging than age 2 - heck yes (unless it is this new gig that has thrown her for a loop)?
We have a very excited 3 1/2 year old ready to be a pink poodle dog for Halloween so pictures to come soon.
ALL our Love to our precious LANEY LOVE

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

How did it go

So many people are asking ........ "How did it go"?  Sorry it is taking awhile but oh my we are exhausted but with that said we are also thrilled to was a huge success. The past 3 months of gathering donated items was not exactly easy. It was clean, tag/price, find a place to store, clean, tag/price, find a place to store and repeat and repeat and repeat 1,000 + times. It was pure and utter craziness at times BUT look what happened. We raised a boatload of money and all for soul sister waiting China. So many people helped it was awesome. SOOOO SOOOOO awesome!  It brings tears to my eyes to think about how many hands were involved and lets lay it all out there...................WE NEVER COULD HAVE DONE IT WITHOUT ALL OF YOU!  Our "dreaming of a sister" fundraising tag sale raised $5,500.00!  THANK YOU just does not feel like enough but THANK YOU!
pictures can not possibly show you how much stuff we had but here are a few:

Monday, October 17, 2011

Apples and Pumpkins oh my

Apples, pumpkins, hay bales, corn stalks, the start of fall colors (yet a very warm day) and good friends ;)

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Sunday, October 9, 2011

back to "school"

Our "mommy and me" playschool has started back up again! Laney and I are thrilled! Our month of October calendar is already filled with tons of field trips with her class and we are so siked!

she runs to the door so excited!

each week she stops to "play the drums" on the way in

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Laney, Tiki and Maui

Nothin like the cuteness of a girl and her dogs ;)

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Full, busy and excitied

Just thought we would say hello and tell everyone we are busy busy getting ready for the big "dreaming of a sister" fundraiser yard sale. Our home is full (OK overstuffed really) but how cool is that people have been so generous with donation items. We are excited for the event (OK tired) and excited. Thank you everyone. Come shop or send shoppers you may know. We will keep you informed on how it goes. Hope it is a big hit!!
Over the weekend I will update with new pictures of Laney ;)

Sunday, October 2, 2011

silly pup

Laney was playing in the sand box and said the famous ......"I have to go potty" so we ran inside to go and came back to Maui saving Laney's spot....silly pup

Saturday, October 1, 2011

September is gone

Wow really?
We have been busy busy but in a unique way.  Dreaming of a sister is huge and in full swing. The camera seems to have come out a lot less this month but we are still here and having fun just busy busy busy.