Wednesday, October 26, 2011

How did it go

So many people are asking ........ "How did it go"?  Sorry it is taking awhile but oh my we are exhausted but with that said we are also thrilled to was a huge success. The past 3 months of gathering donated items was not exactly easy. It was clean, tag/price, find a place to store, clean, tag/price, find a place to store and repeat and repeat and repeat 1,000 + times. It was pure and utter craziness at times BUT look what happened. We raised a boatload of money and all for soul sister waiting China. So many people helped it was awesome. SOOOO SOOOOO awesome!  It brings tears to my eyes to think about how many hands were involved and lets lay it all out there...................WE NEVER COULD HAVE DONE IT WITHOUT ALL OF YOU!  Our "dreaming of a sister" fundraising tag sale raised $5,500.00!  THANK YOU just does not feel like enough but THANK YOU!
pictures can not possibly show you how much stuff we had but here are a few:

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