Monday, September 26, 2011

fish for Labor Day

loves to jump into daddy's arms (but a bit to close to the edge for my liking)

1st time with silly string
run, fun and water - yeah

water balloons

We got to visit family for Labor day and Laney got to be a fish for Labor day.  She calls Daddy her swimming buddy and the weather was so nice Momma even joined in on some pool fun.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

camp out

a pink tutu on yet holding a fish - LOL

very private place - love it


hi it is story time

fast asleep - I love love love sleeping baby pictures ;)

great view to wake up to

she ate her breakfast here
So what do you do when daddy loves to camp out and Momma is not a fan of camping out at all? Well you compromise (yes for 15 years I have known this of Hubby and he of me so we compromise).  We both agree we need to let Laney try it here and there.  Well she loves many parts of it so that makes Daddy smile.  But on the flip side she does not enjoy many parts of it which totally makes sense to Momma. 
Laney cried she wanted her own big girl bed and she would not sleep on a cot or hammock alone.  She did this at our last attempt to camp out also but 10 times worse.  At home this girl goes to sleep like a dream but camping out - yikes! Once she feel asleep I went to my own bed and tried to sleep.  OH my cots - yikes.  A hammock is great for a quick rest but to sleep in at night - yikes!  I do not sleep when I camp out and that makes for an interesting next day.  Not to mention little miss went to bed late, had a hard time falling asleep and than woke up way to early and said "the sun is out at the camp out Momma"!  And than yikes the days following the camp out - yikes way over tired.  Oh and princess and I are bug bite magnets - OUCH! And daddy wonders why I am not a camping fan - hmmm.
Laney made us laugh when she tried a s'more for the 1st time.  She did not want her marshmallow roasted and so she took a bit of the uncooked marshmallow and held the graham cracker and as soon as she saw the chocolate she dropped the marshmallow and the graham cracker and said I just want chocolate please (that's my girl). She said "next time I sleep in my big girl bed at home for camp out Momma" - Oh our little home body - I love it!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

how our tag sale fundraiser is going

Some people have asked our tag sale fundraiser is going? Well we are truly blown away with the kind, generous, caring people in our lives. Some lifelong friends, some new friends, some great family and some even strangers. So many have gotten involved and we thank everyone for making this fundraiser amazing!

**We will most likely make October 1st our date for the end of tag sale item donations. It has been amazing and we have tons to price/tag etc... Amazing donations!

Now we need people to shop shop shop. Please pass along the dates of our tag/yard/bake sale:
Friday, October 21st 8am – 4pm
Saturday, October 22nd 8am – 4pm
Sunday, October 23rd 8am – 2pm

Sunday, September 18, 2011

So in love with this little face

Words could never explain how in love we are with this little face!  Still a bit of chocolate donut on her face after a camp out breakfast.  Some sand in her hair after some camp out beach fun and those big dark brown eyes (she loves to sing "your my brown eyed girl") and those adorable curls in her hair!!  OH the absolute love of our lives!  So beautiful! 

Thursday, September 15, 2011

making food fun

As a 1st time mother I guess it is something I struggle with.  Just kinda second guessing myself...........Do I make meal time, fun, interesting and with enough healthly choices and variety soooooooooooo this day's lunch was sunny fun (baby carrots, canned pears and grilled chicken).

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

September 14th

Laney is looking forward to seeing Mommy and Daddy the movie stars on TV as we watch our wedding video - Happy Anniversary babe!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

seriously - skip

seriously kids can just skip a shoe size and go from wearing a size 7 to wearing a size 9 (almost a size 9 1/2) HUH what happened to size 8 .............skip ???????????????????????  - CUT IT OUT!!  Laney oh Laney our growing girl!

Monday, September 12, 2011

August has come and August has gone (part 2)

In the "dog house"
serious about "her work"

nice flippers

Have to say I was very emotional in this section. It was interactive in regards to things like wheelchairs and seeing eye dogs etc.. Taking this photo of Laney in a wheelchair brought tears to my eyes.  I feel so lucky, so blessed she has something many of us take for granted.................use of her legs. 
she can build it ;)

paint, glue, crafts and mess are a huge hit with this little Miss

August ended with a bang! We have been touched and moved by so many people who are coming forward to help with our
On this last day of August Laney and I drove to meet someone we did not even know.  Another wonderful adoptive mother passed along our tag sale fundraiser to a coworker and this total stranger wanted to help!  So in the car we went for the long drive to meet these 2 wonderful ladies.  My car was filled with tag sale donations and we were ready to turn the car around and make the trip back home when this women handed us 2 guest passes to the local children's museum.  YEAH how fitting to reward Laney for being such a good girl on the long ride there with some awesome generous free fun!  Can I just say I love how people really do pay it forward!!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

August has come and August has gone (part 1)

She loves her h20
August brought some fun days....

August brought some NOT so fun days........
Laney experienced her 1st stomach sickness.  I guess I should feel lucky that she was 3 years old when it happened but OH wow was she scared.  When I tried to calm her down and tell her it was OK it was just throw up she looked at me and said "what is throw up Momma" BREAK MY HEART the poor thing had no idea what was coming out of her. Well a few days later when she asked why her throw up bucket was pink and not purple (her favorite color) I knew we were going to be OK.  My little eating machine did lose 3 pounds in 7 days.  Let me just say it was tough on us all (including the washing machine - yikes).

Laney playing with moon sand.  I just love how the dogs are by her side - buddies ;)

Summer concert series (on a chiller night)
fun times visiting friends

Love this girl!!

Silly tub time
fun times visiting family

Oh yes Laney and her ear muffs!!!  You see my little love still is not fond of noise.  So when daddy mows the lawn she runs to her closet and gets her ear muffs.  Mind you she is still not a fan of the hair dryer, vacuum or doorbell.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

end of July - catch up

she loves to smell the flowers
she has outgrown her milk allergy for the most part and is awesome at the Dr's office

Llama Llama at the library (library has tons of cool free programs)
so cool a live Llama (as she holds her stuffed Llama)

Fresh outta the bath (I love this picture)

Love little miss in blue
practice golf at sports store (cute free fun)
Outdoor summer movies (awesome free fun)

day trip to the shoreline
getting her pose on ;)

This my pose face Momma she said (OMG)

Laney and Carly (yes she named her float)

This cracks me up (the way her hair looks after the day before was spent in ponies)

her baby doll cradle that she gets in more than her baby dolls!

rainbow toes (thanks Gramma)
she loves to get on the scale 34.6 lbs

We had daily brown bag lunches in the park (love free summer fun)

This is what Laney does every morning when I walk in "surprise Momma I got Monkey"

slide fun

Monkey is her outdoor movie buddy (and this free outdoor movie program ran maybe 8 movies and she never fell asleep...yup she is faking it to get me to stop taking pictures probably - lol)

Well taking the month of August off from blogging to work on our "dreaming of a sister" was good in so many ways but once you stop blogging wow you feel so far behind.  We are so flattered that so many missed seeing blog updates while we took the month off (so sweet). This blog is like our memory book so I am doing a summed up in a nutshell month of August (OK this is still the end of July) post before we get deep into September.  Thanks for following along. July/August were intense as free and discount fun was our theme.  We did awesome on that front but it does take time to research, plan accordingly and so on but so worth it to save money for "soul sista".