Tuesday, December 4, 2012

rookie mistake

Yup I made a rookie mistake and I am sharing my embarrassment to help other Mamas :)
Dunkling (aka Dumpling) wanted to do a snow angel.  Lesson learned he should have used flour and not confectionery sugar OMG!  If you have a mischievous dog and a sugar loving child this is a bad rookie mistake. 
This is how the morning went:
Squeals of excitement Mama mama Dunkling made a mess!  Mama mama Tiki is eating Dunklings mess! Than silence.........................................yes her mouth was full that is why there was silence as I walked into the kitchen (without my camera in hand) there she was with one of her plastic toy play spoons eating some of the sugar.  Since our dog Tiki had also been loving this it no longer looked like a snow angel.  What followed was washing the table, chairs, the floor and the darn Elf. Oh and one wild child and one thirsty dog. OH MY what a rookie mistake! Don't make it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Too funny. : ) MB