The good news is this is his last birthday without Laney. The bad news is we do not have her referral yet. I had hoped for an R5 (fellow adoption roller coaster riders you know what I mean by that) R5 for those who are watching the roller coaster ride but not on this stomach turning ride an R being equal to = Rumor, 5 being equal to = 1 the lowest and least confirmed, 5 being the highest and closest to becoming a fact. The rumor could be telling us we are rumored to be in this upcoming batch of families being matched with their babies or the rumor could be that packages are on the way or have arrived etc. I told Poppy I got a whisper from China and Laney told me what to write on his birthday cake...So it said...... "SEE YOU SOON POPPY".
P.S. Babe I love you! You are the most amazing husband and friend. WOW you are going to be a kick butt POPPY and I can't wait!
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