Saturday, July 2, 2011

shoe and dog love

Laney loves shoes and will go to her closet 5 times a day to change her shoes.  She now proudly wears a "thing in the middle" so cute.  Laney also has been having so much fun with one of her dogs Tiki.  Oh the patience of this dog and the things Laney does - LOL.
yeah - shoes

Laney shared her hat with Tiki

Then she thought Tiki's tail was a funny place for a puzzle piece
Maui just watched with her face resting on a Lego


Anonymous said...

O those are cute shoes. She is looking like such a big girl these days. Looks like her hair is starting to fill out.
SO adorable. MB

masala mama said...

Oh man, these are too cute. I don't know which is my favorite - the hat or the puzzle on the tail! Funny girl!!