Sunday, February 5, 2012

bigger big girl bed

Well in 2 1/2 months Laney will turn 4 and we told her for her birthday we would get her a bigger big girl bed.  It does seem that she is growing way to tall for her toddler bed (which used to be her crib and converted to her toddler bed).  I figured this would give me 2 1/2 months to get used to the whole idea of my baby getting even bigger ;(
Well here she is before we took apart her toddler bed:
OK so maybe she is getting to tall for this toddler bed

So early birthday present it is.............. She helped us put together her new bigger big girl bed:
she has her play tools helping daddy o

Here are some pictures of it put together and a happy little girl:

Now for the added safety touch and ready for nite nite:

So the pros: she is happy as a clam about it, she slept great, she has a ton more room, she loves to say the tongue twister "bigger big girl bed"
So the con's: Momma cried at the taking down of the toddler bed (and several times looking at this bigger big girl bed). Wow it cost much more than I expected to get all needed for a bigger big girl bed) YIKES! We still need a few things but we will have to wait for some birthday gifts to get those.
Extra scoop.  I think a trundle is the best way to go for our future sisters (anyone else ever had 1)?


m114230 said...

Well, Congratulations to Laney! And you, too, for making it through it. ;). I had a trundle bed when I was a kid and loved it for sleepovers. Just have to be careful for little ones falling in the crack between the two beds and as long as they understand that they can't play with the mechanism that lifts and lowers the trundle to avoid crushed fingers, etc. xo.

Anonymous said...

Ohhhh such a pretty bed. Congratulations Laney!
I hear, sometimes a trundle is hard to get in and out.

Love you Laney. Mary Beth