Thursday, December 31, 2009

Christmas Morning 2009

Wow what a amazing way to spend Christmas morning. Something we have never had the joy of experiencing before. Waking up to see a gorgeous, excited, innocent face that we are lucky enough to call our precious daughter on Christmas morning. To stay home as a family of 3 (well 5 counting Maui & Tiki) on Christmas morning and just be that A FAMILY!!! So many Christmas mornings had a twinge of sad. Knowing for over 10 years that we wanted to create a family, knowing Christmas morning would be filled with love, joy and children someday. We finally got it!!! OUR FIRST FAMILY CHRISTMAS MORNING!

I have not been journaling in my paper journal much this month (which I plan to start up again in 2010) so I am going to journal here a bit more than usual just to be sure I have it down somewhere. Laney woke up about 8:15 and Poppy was waiting by her door with the video camera (he was so excited). She walked out to the living room where the night before the tree had no presents under it. Now Christmas morning it was loaded with piles and piles of presents. She looked we said "Laney Santa came" she said "Ho Ho". It is funny she always stops at 2 ho ho's. We started with stockings. She enjoyed ripping the wrapping paper and called her stocking a sock. Great Grandma made her stocking to match one she made for Ma Ma when I was just a baby (she also made one for Poppy when we were married). It is so awesome to look at the mantel and see that. Laney opens here stocking and two presents than she stops and says MAMA and does sign language for eat. Crack us up! She is like ok I am done with this present thing let's eat! That's our little chunk a monkey. After 2 scrambled eggs and potatoes we opened more presents and she loved them all. Often she also loved the box tops, bags and tissue paper too (hee hee).

photos taken 12/25/09

1 comment:

m114230 said...

No doubt your Christmas was a very merry one. Thanks for sharing these happy pics.