Sunday, January 30, 2011

Dr's visit

We have been challenged with what seems likely to be some allergy related issues and had to visit the Dr with our concerns.  It was awesome to hear the Dr. say she cannot believe she has not seen Laney in her office since her 24 month check up (she is now 33 mths).  It made me think wow we have been so lucky.  She has never thrown up, never had a high fever.  Really she has not been sick and has not had to visit the Dr much.  But this dang milk allergy is hard and seems to be throwing us some curve balls.  So we will try some new approaches and hopefully in a few months have some more answers. Here are a few pictures of Laney at her appointment and when we came home and she tried her medicine. Oh and since she got weighed I updated the growth chart to the left of the main blog.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ohhh chase it down with a puff or something. :) MB
Hope it helps you feel better.