Monday, January 31, 2011

Kids say the darnest things (church stuff)

# 1 - Hubby & I had a weeknight quick meeting at church (it was casual, laid back in his office & the priest was dressed in everyday clothes, not his Sunday attire).  When we arrived Laney Says: "Hello Father Larry". He said hello Laney & made small talk with her as he does on Sundays.  Then she played & ate snacks as we talk with him.  Maybe 5 minutes later out of the blue Laney says: "Excuse me Father Larry" he looks at her like your 2 1/2 with manners loving it!  Yes Laney he says.  Laney says "where is your costume Father Larry"?  She's a crack up!

# 2 - Kneeling next to her crib hands folded each night Laney starts her prays with "Now I lay down to sleep, soul to keep" Then she says Pray for Mommy, Daddy, Baby Sister, no work for Daddy (I laugh and say but he still gets a paycheck right), grandma, grandpa, good dog Tiki, Maui too (oh yes the list goes on and spans to so many but you get the idea & she changes it up each night).  Then she says I done now - Amen. Well 1 night with the whole routine of brush, floss, gargle, books, bath, cream, cuddle, pj's, clean up and so on somehow I guess we all missed the prayers.  So we put her to bed and about 5 minutes later we hear through the monitor (in a distressed voice) "COME PLEASE I forgot to say mine prayers"!  She's a crack up!

# 3 - Why is it she loves the church potty so?  I have to say every time she does say she has to go she does really go so she is not just saying it but I need to work on this (not to self).

# 4 - I shed some tears in church recently (OK a few times) and Laney looked confused so Daddy explained they were happy tears (they were really).  So this past time when we were there and I did not cry Laney looked at me and said "Momma do some happy tears".  She's a crack up!

1 comment:

masala mama said...

So precious! You put a big smile on my face!!