Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Memorial Day Moves Me

Yes it is true every year Memorial Day moves me.  I explained to Laney a little bit about why memorial day moves me.  So when we were driving by on our way to a pool party we saw a great stop we just had to make.  My big kid (Poppy) was so excited it cracked me up.  Laney was saying hello and waving to everyone she walked by.  Well a young man in uniform was walking by and she said "Hello Hero"!  Yup Memorial Day moves me and she obviously listened to me as I talked about men and women in uniform and how they are heroes.  WOW!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Too cool. I am sure poppy was ecstatic. Awh, heros. ;) I told Natalee they were soldiers who died for our country. Then she asked "how did they die?"...etc
I like your way better. :) MB