Monday, June 15, 2009

Manic Monday - Doctor

Today was draw blood for Laney day and it was awful. The most our baby girl has cried. Basically she cried because they were holding her arm down. Poor Poppy was beside himself pacing back and forth. Mama was just plan MAD thinking "hurry up" my baby needs me to hold her and tell her everything will be alright. Finally after 15 minutes of screaming and 5 vials of blood and both arms to try to find her vein I got to stand up hold our baby girl and tell her we were there. That is when Mama started to cry. I could not stop my tears, I just felt so bad, I was just so sorry to put her through that. Please let's not have to do this to often. Mama is now worn out! No pictures from the crazy event just to traumatic (probably more on Mama than Laney but....................)

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