Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Tuesday Talking

Favorite fruit - Grapes
Favorite veggies - Green Beans or Asparagus
Laney is now up to 6,7 & 8 steps of walking but still has not taken off completely yet.
For sometime now Laney has been speaking single words (sit, more, drink, shoes, moo, etc.) and two of the same words (ma ma, da da, ba ba, quack quack, etc.) but now she has put two different words together.............. "Tiki come" (as she taps on the ground for our dog Tiki) and "Thank you" (love the manners)!
Her sign language is wonderful and frequent to ask for what she wants and to use her manners (eat, drink, more, please, etc.)
Laney is truly amazing and we could go on and on but Tuesday talkings is done for now, thanks for checking in.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Natalee loves green grapes. Could eat them everyday. Sounds like Laney is doing great! MB