Monday, August 9, 2010

potty party success

Yesterday was Laney's potty party and we are thrilled it was a huge success!  The day began with 12 pairs of big girl underwear and a new potty seat to go on top of the big potty all ready for her to unwrap.  Of course she was thrilled to have presents and was very excited unwrapping.  The morning started out with 2 accidents but the day ended with 7 pee pees and 1 poo poo on the potty and a very happy proud girl in her big girl underwear. We have had so many stops and starts with this potty training and I must admit training is not easy but our potty party was successful and that is something to smile about! Diapers are still for naps and nighttime and we have not ventured out in the car yet (I put a potty, wipes, extra underwear, etc in the car) but hmmmmmmm not sure should car time be diaper time too???  I am thinking no but will admit I am a bit nervous about the car and potty training??


Anonymous said...

OH Laney, you are becoming such a big girl. You look so tall in the medical fun photo. Love the panties.
I like the travel potty..etc in the car, I would do pull-ups for a little while in the car, but you could also put a small pee pad(to absorb messes) under her bottom. Between her and the car seat. I have a towel between the car seat and my van seat. There will be an accident, so just be prepared. Mary Beth

Robert and Amy Robinson said...

Good luck I will let you know it goes with us. Congrats Laney!!