Saturday, August 21, 2010


Well it has been 2 weeks since the potty party
 and I am happy to say our little lady took to our potty training attempts this time.  I really think the potty party helped.  The 1st 5 days were not that easy on Momma (I was a bit stressed) but WE DID IT and have had such success.  She does about 9 pees a day on the potty and 1 poop a day on the potty (sorry was that TMI - to much information)?  Our challenge area with accidents is bathing suits.  She either is confused by the no underwear on or the bathing suit being wet with swimming or not wanting to stop one of her favorite activities?  But I guess a good point is that season will be over soon.  We still wear what we call "Crib Diapers" for nap time and nighttime.  When she gets up in the monring she says "diaper off, unders on".
I still stress a bit about the car.  We have a potty in the back of the car and actually stopped on the side of the highway when she said she had to go. We will pull off at an exit next time cause that was a bit scary on the highway.  I have what we call "car underwear" which are the pull ups if we have long car rides (which we have 2 long rides planned for next month 2 & 4 hour ones).  She is using the training underwear which is regular cotton underwear just thicker with some padding.  We also got some regular thin underwear with monkeys, ducks and frogs on them.  She calls them her "unders" and gets very excited to put them on.  She pulls them up and down herself it is so cute. She cannot climb onto the big potty (which has a little seat on top of it for her) yet herself so she says "pee pee (or poo poo) potty mama" and we run in together all excited.  She has a little free standing one her size also and the other day while we were vacuuming she came up to us holding it with pee pee in it LOL so obviously if we are occupied and she has to go she can.  While playing outside in the yard shes tells us and we run inside and go.  She says "hold in belly" while we run in.  Interesting how much longer errands take now!  We have visited many public bathrooms and it surely does take some getting used to.  The department store, the grocery store and many more - oh diapers did have some advantages didn't they. All in all it is really a cute stage these "unders" days.

1 comment:

Robert and Amy Robinson said...

Hey Kelly,

I think we have had success too, all of a sudden i think it clicked with Sydney and we have had dry "big girl panties" for almost a week now, and we went to the zoo Saturday and she told us both times when she had to go to the bathroom. We are so pround of our "babies", but they are growing up too fast. However, I will be glad to get rid of diapers.
