Friday, March 11, 2011

Goodbye Crib :( *updated 3/12*

trying out her 1st pillow
pretending to sleep
Goodbye Crib, Hello Toddler bed!
It was a big day in our home!  A lot of laughs but a lot of tears too (from Momma of course trying to not let Laney see).  15 years hubby and I have been together dreaming of having babies and to take the crib down made me just CRY!  Time flies when your having fun and being a mother to Laney is the BOMB.  It is just awesome, awesome, awesome.  My tears are happy tears of course and I know this stage ends and more great ones are to come but my tears keep flowing - ohhhh even right now writing this.  Enjoy the pictures of the big goodbye crib, hello toddler bed day and we will see what the morning brings.  Sweet dreams in your toddler bed Laney oh and sleep in tomorrow morning ;)
*update 3/12/11* It went really well.  After about ten minutes alone in her room we heard a little whimper so we went back in and held her hand and told her how much we loved her and we would be here.  A few minutes later we left the room and she was asleep about 15 minutes later.  Not a peep throughout the night.  About 9:00am I heard "Momma Laney awake now in mine big girl bed!"  Proudly I ran in and made a huge huge huge deal of her following the rules and not getting out of her big girl bed.  She was so proud!  Twice during the day she brought up "A little scared big girl bed Momma".  We know she is a creator of habit and change is hard so we will keep reassuring her.  All in all pleased with how well it went!


Anonymous said...

O what a cute bed and the little angel inside of coarse. She may ask for the old way a time or two, but I am sure she will love sleeping in her big girl bed. MB :)

Anonymous said...

So proud of you, Laney girl! You're growing up fast, but you will always remain a little baby in your loving momma and poppy's eyes.

Michele said...


Unknown said...

Go, Laney with the big girl bed!!!
Totally understand the tears, Kelly...

Johanna, Edie's mom