Tuesday, March 8, 2011

March 8th

March 8th has been a BIG day in our lives:
3/8/2006 - China logged in our adoption paperwork = LID!
3/8/2007 - 1 year since LID & that should have been the time frame to getting our baby girl.
3/8/2008 -  2 years since LID & stressed out, sad, concerned oh the list of emotions was huge!
3/8/2009 - 3 years since LID & excited (we finally saw our baby girl just 1 month later 4/3/2009!)
Now when March 8th rolls around hubby and I talk about how that wait was so difficult but now we know it had to be that way.  It lead us to our precious Laney.  We can not imagine a better fit for our family.  If the wait was shorter maybe we would not have our Laney? I do just have to say if you are reading this and you are still waiting for your match.....I know how hard it is and I know no matter what anyone else said it did not make it easier.  It really is true if you can hang in there, keep waiting because the joy, the gift, the match is sooooooooooooooooooo amazing!!!!  Than that LID becomes a date that was meant to be that way ;)

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