Friday, September 14, 2012

1st offical day of Pre K

I will spare you the tons and tons of pictures I took, I will spare you the sobbing details of how I felt.  I will just show you a few pictures and tell you she thinks Pre K is in her words ...F A N T A S T I C! I journalled 3 pages about her 1st day and I look forward to looking back on that years from now (oh and Daddy took a photo of me tears rolling down my cheeks, eyes all bloodshot from crying, pouty lip and all in the hall walking out of her school - omg)


Robert and Amy Robinson said...

Congrats laney, and mom it gets easier, Syd has been in montissour school since she was 2.5, but I am quite nervous about kindergarten for some reason. I think cause kindergarten means they are really growing up!

masala mama said...

I've been waiting for this photo! So happy that Laney thinks preschool is FANTASTIC. Let's hope that love for school lasts a lifetime!!!

Anonymous said...

So awesome. So happy she is excited about school. MB

CTClaire said...

She looks so happy and did it, Mom!!! it is one of the hardest things, watching your child walk through those doors, and every year will have it's challenges, and she will thrive because you have given her that opportunity, along with the love and support she needs to succeed!!!! Congratulations, Laney!