Friday, February 11, 2011

indecisive - help

I know I am lucky to have these be my struggles right now. Lord knows it could be much worse.  But the truth is I feel so indecisive on these things so I figured why not try to get some opinions.  I seem to be struggling to make a decision so please comment here on the blog or e-mail me if you can offer an opinion.  I am all ears/eyes.
#1 = If I should transition Laney from her crib to a big girl bed (her crib coverts into a toddler bed - thanks Auntie Dawn).  She has never attempted to climb out of her crib.  For those BTDT what signs did you look for that it was time to make the change?  How old was your little one when you made the change?  How did it go?  Any tips on the transition?
#2 = If I should get Laney her 1st haircut.  I say yes I should 1 day and no no no I can't the next day.  I love the wispy curl ups on the sides.  I love the wavy curls on the ends.  But the back does look like it might need some help.  Her hair is thin and she does not have a lot of it compared to other children her age.  For those BTDT how old was your little one when you did it?  What made you decide to do it or why did you wait?  Any tips?
#3 = What should I give up for Lent? Why can't I decide? If you participate in Lent please help. What have you done in the past for Lent?

Sorry for this brief interuption of cute Laney photos but her Momma is indecisive this week and I need help!


Michele said...

You crack me up!!
#1 There is no rule that says move your child to a bed.Both of my girls went from their crib to their converted toddler bed at age 3. They never tried to climb out but to be honest, I was tired of changing crib sheets. Taking the side of the crib and making it a toddler bed solved that problem. My girls did not and do not try to get out of bed. The rule is once you are in you stay in. They never challenged this.

#2 Sally always told me that it is better to get trims because it keeps the hair healthy. Remember, hair grows back.

#3 I never give up anything for lent. My mom gives up all sweets. Some people go to church every week. Some people give up shopping. Totally up to you though.

Hope this helps!

Anonymous said...

if her hair is thin, it will help tremendously if you cut it frequently. that will really cause the hair to grow more thickly. chinese moms often shave their baby boys bald because that helps the hair to grow really well. we do the same for girls, too. my daughter had very fine hair at one year of age, but i gave her a trim every two months and now her hair's thick and beautiful. try it! :)

Unknown said...

June moved to a toddler bed just before she turned three. She wasn't climbing out of her crib, either; we just figured the time was right. I swear there was a magnet on that bed - she didn't move an inch after we said good night. The good times ended around 3.5 years old, when she realized she could get up and walk around. We tried everything to get her to stay put, but nothing worked. So now we stay in her room until she falls asleep. It's often a matter of minutes.

I vote for a haircut, even if it's just a trim. It will introduce Laney to going to the hair stylist, sitting still in the chair, and of course, getting a special treat when it's all over!

Anonymous said...

Hi Kel!! Neither of my kids tried to climb out of their cribs but the first time I took Ben out he hated it, he was under 2, so ended up putting him back in, until about 3 and it went much better. Karli did fine, and she was 3. I never resorted to staying in their rooms till they fell asleep. I read in a book that it's best for a child to learn to fall asleep on their own.

As far as a haircut's helps the hair to grow nice & thick, but I found the first haircut with my daughter took her straight out of that baby look and into little girl! (Her little curls never did come back!)

Lent? LOL I'm using Lent this year to organize, cleaning out the linen closet & clothes closets, kitchen cabinets and junk drawers!

:) Dee