Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Birthday afternoon

So excited to start her birthday afternoon

bundled up but having fun
parade watching
she was saying "yeah for my birthday parade"  as she watched the parade from her daddy's shoulders.

A pony ride for her birthday (OMG this picture is just stunning)

Her 1st look in the mirror after she had her face painted for her birthday

monkey balloon

my trick to save money (I bought this at walmart for a buck and had it in my backpack) they sell it at the fairs for much more

Her favorite food of the day........fried dumplings (with the middle taken out - so meatless)

playground fun

Oh and the fun continued on into the night
Of course that is for another post ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love all the photos. One on the pony gorgeous. Happy birthday little lady. Love MB and fam