Monday, January 18, 2010

Combinations that are just .....WRONG

In no particular order:
  1. Winter coats AND Car seats! - I mean seriously with all the winter layers and than a big huge wool coat or a big huge snow suit coat than making sure all is snug and safe I am sweating bullets by the time I am done I can only image how she feels. See what I mean a combination that is just.............WRONG!
  2. Cribs AND Crib sheets! - I mean really come on it is truly a battle and I never seem to win. I know snug and safe but those things are crazy. It is always a broken nail, more sweating bullets and often.............a loud yell that sounds something like this "honey help". See what I mean a combination that is just..........WRONG!
  3. Mama AND sickness! - I mean you know what I am saying, let's be honest Mama's do do do and when Mama's are sick all I can say is oh no a combination that is just............WRONG!


m114230 said...

Oh, Kel, thanks for the laugh! You are so right.

CTClaire said...

This cracks me up! I can remember when Courtney was in her car seat, cursing the winter coat~~~how funny!

Michele said...

You bet sista!!!!!I laughed so hard at this post.I couldn't agree with you more!! Most of the time I try and warm up the car so she doesn't have to wear the coat until we arrive at our destination! Glad to hear you are feeling better.